Arjun Srivastava's Library

Arjun Srivastava's Library

Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco
Bryan Burrough , John Helyar
“One of the finest, most compelling accounts of what happened to corporate America and Wall Street in the 1980’s.” —New York Times Book ReviewA #1 New York Times bestseller and arguably the best business narrative ever written, Barbarians at the Gate...
The Birth of Tragedy
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
'Yes, what is Dionysian? - This book provides an answer - "a man who knows" speaks in it, the initiate and disciple of his god.'The Birth of Tragedy (1872) is a book about the origins of Greek tragedy and its relevance to the German culture of its t...
The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner
Daniel Ellsberg
Shortlisted for the Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in NonfictionFinalist for The California Book Award in NonfictionThe San Francisco Chronicle's Best of the Year ListForeign Affairs Best Books of the Year In These Times “Best Books of the Yea...
The Sling and the Stone: On War in the 21st Century
Thomas X. Hammes
4GW (Fourth Generation Warfare) is the only kind of war America has ever lost. And we have done so three times - in Vietnam, Lebanon, and Somalia. This form of warfare has also defeated the French in Vietnam and Algeria, and the USSR in Afghanistan....
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy
Adam Tooze
An extraordinary mythology has grown up around the Third Reich that hovers over political and moral debate even today. Adam Tooze's controversial new book challenges the conventional economic interpretations of that period to explore how Hitler's sur...